1. Problem description
If you are interested in Brandmeister monitoring. Like Talk Group of your interest. You might end up using some kind of view to see activity log while you were away.
Pi-Star has its own Last Heard
view. Which has its own pros and cons. One of the most critical for me is: it will show only latest call if the same callsign was doing several or had a conversation.
You can also use Brandmeister’s Last Heard page. But it has no decent history and works while browser is open.
2. Solution variant
I ended up with following requirements for the solution:
- should be a separate display (separate from Nextion - which is used for situational awareness)
- should be tunable to groups/persons of interest (showing only their activity)
- should have adjustable brightness (need to minimize it during the night)
- should be autonomous or connectable to existing Pi-Star setup
I’ve chosen WaveShare E-Ink (e-paper) display as a display
- no led backlight at all (shouldn’t be affected color/brightness change over time)
- low consumption (only to redraw the picture)
- 17 seconds to refresh (not an issue for historical data)
- can be run separately with Raspberry Pi or connected to Pi-Star board (if your Rx/Tx module is connected via USB)
- has libraries for Python
One of the cons: couldn’t compile libraries for ESP32. So have Raspberry Pi solution only. Another one is that after each reconnect to Brandmeister stream history on display will be flushed.
3. Display layout
Tried several approached to maximize amount of information displayed. Here is one of the latest designs:
05/27/2022, 16:35:49
Show date and time of the latest update16:35
time of the callC
symbol which can help to identify Talk Group if you are monitoring several of themAG6PF
operator callsignTim J
operator name
Display can show up to 12 Last heard
In my environment Talk Group symbol is:
- absent for private calls
for ColoradoHD Talk GroupH
for Hytera Talk Group
So you can identify the origin of the call also.
4. Program
You need to install waveshare_epd
library using manufacturer documentation. It goes with required font files.
Additional Python requirements:
Program connects to Branmeister last heard stream. Parses event with simple set of filters. Additional conditions were added to exclude duplicate records. Brandmeister treats start and end of TX as a separate event. Sometimes events ‘from the past’ might appear in the queue. One more filter with time check is implemented to filter such cases.
Filtered events are getting into double-ended queue. Display refresh is triggered after record is added to queue.
your callsign31088
TG or personal ID to monitor
import socketio
import json
from collections import deque
import _thread
from waveshare_epd import epd4in2
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from random import randrange
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from dateutil import tz
dq_id = deque(maxlen=12)
dq_str = deque(maxlen=12)
saved_id = ""
sio = socketio.Client()
def draw_on_display():
global saved_id
print("Thread started")
epd = epd4in2.EPD()
font24 = ImageFont.truetype("Font.ttc", 24)
# font18 = ImageFont.truetype("Font.ttc", 18)
while True:
# if len(dq_id) > 0 and saved_id == "":
# saved_id = dq_id[0]
if len(dq_id) > 0:
if dq_id[len(dq_id) - 1] != saved_id:
# print("Start drawing.")
# print(datetime.now())
saved_id = dq_id[len(dq_id) - 1]
Limage = Image.new(
"1", (epd.height, epd.width), 255
) # 255: clear the frame
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(Limage)
(2 + randrange(8), 0),
datetime.now().strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S"),
for i in range(len(dq_id) - 1, -1, -1):
(2, 7 + 30 * (len(dq_id) - i)), dq_str[i], font=font24, fill=0,
# epd.display(epd.getbuffer(Limage.rotate(180)))
# epd.sleep()
# Sleep is required by documentation but not working properly in my setup
# print("End drawing.")
# print(datetime.now())
def connect():
print('connected to server')
def disconnect():
print('disconnected from server')
def on_mqtt(data):
# print (data)
global last_message_id
call = json.loads(data['payload'])
# Filter to include only selected TG and private calls to your DMR ID, filters out your TXs and event end(stop) state
if (call["DestinationID"] == 31088 or call["DestinationID"] == 1234567) and call["SourceID"] != 1234567 and last_message_id != call["SessionID"] and call["Stop"] != 0:
# Marking different sources with symbols
if call["DestinationID"] == 31088:
# if call["DestinationID"] == 1234567:
# group_id='!'
date = datetime.fromtimestamp(call["Start"])
# date = datetime.fromisoformat(call["Created"].replace('Z', '+00:00'))
date_local = date.astimezone(tz.tzlocal())
if (date > datetime.now()-timedelta(minutes=5)) and (call["SessionID"] not in dq_id): # to exclude messages from the past
if call["SourceName"]: # workaround to avoid empty names for YSF calls
callsign_display_string = call["SourceCall"] + ' ' + call["SourceName"]
elif call["TalkerAlias"]:
callsign_display_string = call["TalkerAlias"]
callsign_display_string = call["SourceID"]
dq_str.append(date_local.strftime("%H") + ':' + date_local.strftime("%M") + ' ' + group_id + ' ' + str(callsign_display_string))
last_message_id = call["SessionID"]
_thread.start_new_thread(draw_on_display, ())
last_message_id = ''
sio.connect(url='https://api.brandmeister.network', socketio_path="/lh/socket.io", transports="websocket")
Can be orchestrated but script with infinite loop, service, supervisor-like software. Have used the simplest solution with script:
while true; do
python3.7 bm-api-new-socket.py
sleep 10
Not so elegant from error handling perspective (when Brandmeister drops the connection) but works 100% of the time.
Information sources list
- https://www.waveshare.com/product/displays/e-paper/4.2inch-e-paper-module-c.htm
- https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/4.2inch_e-Paper_Module
- https://wiki.brandmeister.network/index.php/Code_Examples/LastHeard/Python